I was thinking how simple things which occur in our nature can be so complicated if we look at it closely . I was listening to choti si asha song from movie roja. I remembered the fisherman throwing fish net and a boat in calm water and a big water falls from that movie. Then the question came…. “how? "
Hmm. . As the sound waves struck my ear drum the disturbance was transferred to inner ear . There hair cells(neurons) in organ of corti got excited and started firing . It was carried upwards by vestibulocochlear nerve . By this time sound was converted into information of certain code by differentiating pitch of the sound and the amplitude of vibrating surface area of cochlea, the hearing organ.. And then information was 'filtered' at nerve nucleus in the brainstem . From here upwards only the info which was of any significance to me were allowed higher. I have no idea how it will be done but as the information reaches the brain, temporal lobe to be specific, it will be again refined . The information regarding music will be sent forward for further processing. The same signals will be sent to different lobes of brain simultaneously.
At the beginning when I decide to listen certain gate keeper neurons keeping memories of musical sounds will be having a low threshold of excitation . This might occur by co excitation or cross firing from frontal cortex to memory area. So the new signal is compared to the memorised signal or summated 'on the fly' . If there was any associated visual memory stored which in anyway relates to the incoming signal it will be immediately sent as ‘attachments’ to my frontal cortex wherein my consciousness resides. Hmm may be my occipital lobe may also play a part in this as I could see it in my minds eye!!
How can all these occur within milliseconds?? Science gives me the answer as electrochemical interactions…. Nature never ceases to amaze me..
So simple…………….yet so complicated isn’t it??