Saturday, May 9, 2009

Musings about music..

It's been a long time since I wanted to write about music..finally I have sat down to write few words about it. I’ve always  wondered how man invented music..Here are the few thoughts which came across my mind. May be it was a man who saw a bird singing beautifully and tried to imitate it. Or may be it was  a mother who was crooning her child and in that intense moment of affection she started singing. May be it was a heartbroken lover..All  the intensely  felt emotions lead to creation of music. We can say that one piece of music is worth 1000 emotions !

I had the chance to get exposed to different genres of music ..My father is a big fan of old hindi songs and my mother is a staunch follower of carnatic classical music. I grew up listening to both of their favourite songs along with that the concurrent bollywood and indipop songs in the  tv and radio. Once after coming to mangalore my roommate first exposed me to rock music..soon I heard different genres of western music such as rock,jazz,pop,hiphop,blue,altern etc…

And one more thing about music it’s a completely different experience when you listen to it and when you create it can try and see, you feel strangely deprived of all the emotions at the end of creating music. so it shows clearly that all your emotions came out in the form of music .Thats what I felt when I tried creating my own variations in alaap of a raga in classical style. I‘ve reserved more such experiences for a separate blog on my violin. Yes I have learnt to play violin in carnatic classical style. I was also vocally trained for few years which I have not used since so many years.

Whatever may be the genre of the music , the final idea is, music is a form of expression of  unspeakable or inexpressible thoughts and emotions. you see the beautiful world and you want to show the beauty to others.. so you sing share the joy that u felt or to share any other emotions you want to share.

I have an observation to make about an interesting difference between the Indian and western music. I feel western music exaggerates your feelings i.e, if you are happy it makes you more happy and if you are sad it makes you more sad. Whereas Indian classical music calms you down no matter whatever state you are in..if you are happy or sad you end up being calmer than before. I m not saying that western music is inferior to Indian one. No way, because for a musician every single piece of music created in this earth  should be  beautiful. That’s my view on this issue. I support both western and eastern music equally, since they are two sides of the same coin.

Thats it for today..will write much more on further posts..

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