This blog is about the side effects of over eating.
I have to mention the words which made me think deeply about this problem. One of my close friends explained it in a very thought provoking way. He said that how ironic it is that people blame you if you smoke or drink that you are destroying your health but they fail to recognize that over eating is also equally dangerous…..infact if you tell somebody that he is eating too much it is taken as an offense! Actually I have seen people encouraging others and themselves to eat more ,eventhough they know that it is going to affect their health. I m sure each of you have experienced this during various functions and festivals.
It all has a reason I think ,buried deep in the sands of time, most probably during evolution of humankind for the survival of the species we developed this storage capacities inside us ,so that we could survive during winter or any unfavourable climate not allowing us to hunt for food. Over eating was a means of survival then. But as the time progressed, humans evolved to be the most intelligent creatures on the earth. Humans stopped hunting ,started agriculture and animal husbandry. So food was available during difficult times also as we had invented storage methods to preserve food. But as they say, Old habits die hard..although our workload came down, we continued to follow the old habit of overeating. The practice which was a boon to us now turned as a bane. It lead to the problem of obesity, the king of all diseases I would say, as it is the most common problem affecting people now and figures as a risk factor in hundreds of life threatening diseases. So I think it is that old subconscious survival instinct which makes people angry when they are told that they eat too much. Most of them don’t like to listen to anybody else ,say that they have right to eat as much as they want to. Yes is my answer to them, but I’d like to add that you should exactly know how much do you want. Over eating is comparable to greed in a strange way…
Tongue, a important organ for this topic. Sooo many delicacies are invented every year, so many lost recipes re-discovered, just for the sake of this 4 inch long piece of complex tissue! We almost forget that eating is a minor part in the process of acquiring nutrition. But all the importance is given to TASTE. Interestingly we find fatty foods more tasty, again the work of subconscious instinct..
It sounds so strange , that we spend hours cooking for a particular dish which we finish within minutes. Also that whatever we eat, is the same stuff after it passes to our stomach..strange way of nature to ensure equality! I despise people who gobble up whatever is put in front of them. Eating is also an art…If you learn to enjoy the food properly, you notice that your intake becomes less!
So the conclusion is that , enjoy each bit of food that you take in thoroughly..please don’t eat more than what you think you need. Understand that over eating also is equally bad as smoking or drinking. Lets make ourselves free from this obsession.
Dear Pawan,
ReplyDeleteVery good post, it has a lot of wisdom in it. I particularly like that part about enjoying the food that you eat.
At a function, I met a 85 year old women still very healthy. When asked what was the secret behind her health. She said, she eats only as much as her body demands and never full stomach.